A-Z Guide

ADA (Accessibility)

Please click any of the below links for additional information:
Accessible (ADA) Parking
Accessible (ADA) Seating
Accessible (ADA) Seating Relocation Policy 

Requests for aid and service should be made at least thirty (30) business days prior to event. The ADA Facilitator may be unable to fill a request if made less than thirty (30) business days in advance of an event. The ADA Facilitator can be contacted at 504.587.3990 or ada@asmneworleans.com

The Smoothie King Center has a no re-entry policy. In the event a guest needs to exit and return for any reason, the guest should be referred to the Experience Ambassador (or alternatively the Ticket Supervisor) assigned to the particular entrance, who will then approve the guest exiting and returning if the situation warrants same. Examples of such situations include medical emergencies (e.g., forgot needed medication) and permitting a service animal to exit to relieve itself.


Smoothie King Center 
1501 Dave Dixon Dr.
New Orleans, Louisiana 70113

Mailing address
P.O. Box 52439
New Orleans, LA 70152


Animals are prohibited in the Smoothie King Center with the exception of service animals assisting ADA patrons.

The Smoothie King Center has a no re-entry policy. In the event a guest needs to exit and return for any reason, the guest should be referred to the Experience Ambassador (or alternatively the Ticket Supervisor) assigned to the particular entrance, who will then approve the guest exiting and returning if the situation warrants same. Examples of such situations include medical emergencies (e.g., forgot needed medication) and permitting a service animal to exit to relieve itself.

Baby Changing Stations

Changing stations are available in the restrooms at the following locations:

East Ground Level
100 Level at section 108
300 Level at section 310

Please click here to view baby changing station locations by level.

Bag Policy


Banners/Signs/Flags are generally allowed if they meet the following conditions:

  • They are in good taste
  • They are not deemed offensive
  • They do not include profanity
  • They do not obstruct the view of any guests or any existing Superdome signage
  • They do not present a safety hazard

Venue Management reserves the right to remove Banners/Signs/Flags at any time.

Venue/Signs/Flags of a commercial nature are not permitted without specific permission from Venue Management. Please note these guidelines may change at any time due to event specifics, Show Management requests, etc.

Bike Racks

Bikes racks are available for use in Lot 3 on the wall closest to Champions Garage. Patrons can access the bike racks in Lot 3 from the pedestrian gates at the corner of Dave Dixon Dr. and LeRouge St. Click here to view a campus map.

Box Office

The Smoothie King Center Box Office is located at the Ground Level of the East Side of the Center.

For box office hours on the day of an event, please refer to the event information page for that specific event.

Tickets to Center events can also be purchased through Ticketmaster at 1-800-745-3000 or online via Ticketmaster.com.

Camera & Recording Policies

For camera and recording policies for a particular event, please refer to the event information page for that specific event.

Cashless Operations

The Smoothie King Center is a cashless operation including all concessions, merchandise, and parking. Cash will not be accepted as a form of payment at any parking, retail, or concession locations within the Smoothie King Center.

Guests may convert their cash to a Visa Card by at the following Guest Service locations throughout the Arena at Sections 104 & 304.

Visa Cards are sold in $25 and $50 denominations and can be used at ANY POS location in the building including merchandise. Any remaining balance on the debit card can be used at locations where debit payments are accepted.


All catering is provided exclusively in-house by Sodexo Live!. Outside food and beverages of any kind may not be brought into the Center.

Children’s Ticket Policy

Children’s ticket policy is at the discretion of Show Management. For information about children’s ticket policy for an event, please refer to the event information page for that specific event.


All concessions are provided exclusively in-house by Sodexo Live!. Outside food and beverages of any kind may not be brought into the Center.

For food and beverage at concession stands, we accept credit and debit card transactions only. Cash is no longer accepted. 

Please click here for the location of concessions available for purchase at the Center during events.

Credit Cards

All major credit cards are accepted at all permanent concession locations, the Box Office, and parking garages.


Door Opening

Door opening is at the discretion of Show Management. For opening times, please refer to the event information page for that specific event.


The possession, operation, or use of an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) or drone is prohibited on Superdome, Smoothie King Center, or Champions Square property without prior, written permission from management.  Furthermore, persons operating a UAS on Superdome, Smoothie King Center, or Champions Square property may be subject to criminal or civil penalties by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).


Escalators are located at East Ground, NE Ground and NW Ground.


For employment opportunities, please click here.


Entry location varies per event. For information about entrances for an event, please refer to the event information page for that specific event.

Entry Screening

Depending upon the nature of an event or when considered necessary by ASM Global and Show Management, a visual or full search will be conducted by the Smoothie King Center Public Safety Department on all patrons prior to entering the Center. Patrons not willing to comply with search procedures prior to entering the Center may return their tickets immediately to their point of purchase.

For a listing of prohibited items for an event, please refer to the event information page for that specific event.

Evacuation Procedures

The short video below outlines the stadium evacuation procedures in the unlikely event of an emergency evacuation. In the event of an actual emergency, this message will be repeated to guests.

Event Booking

The Center has the flexibility and space to accommodate events small and large, from private parties to large-scale public events.

For private events, please email skcentersales@asmneworleans.com
For public ticketed events, please email skcenterbooking@asmneworleans.com

Eviction Policy

The following behaviors and/or activities are causes for eviction from the Center:

  • Use of profanity or unacceptable language of any type
  • Possession of illegal or unauthorized items 
  • Inappropriate or offensive dress
  • Public intoxication
  • Entering or attempting to enter any “off limit” area such as the playing surface, stage area, backstage, or restroom of the opposite sex
  • Participating in a fight or instigating a physical or verbal altercation
  • Verbally abusing, threatening, or intimidating other patrons or Venue Management 
  • Throwing objects of any type
  • Possession of stolen or counterfeit tickets
  • Possession of unauthorized banners or signs
  • Smoking indoors

First Aid

First Aid services are provided during all events at the Center and are located at sections 123 and 313.

Please click here to view first aid locations by level.

Food & Beverage

Food & beverages are available for purchase during all Center events. Outside food and beverages are not allowed in the Center.

For food and beverage at concession stands, we accept credit and debit card transactions only. Cash is no longer accepted. 

For more information on Food & Beverage click here.

Group Sales

The New Orleans Pelicans Group Sales department can be reached at (504) 525-HOOP (4667) or by clicking here.

Guest Services

Guest Services Booths are located on the 100 Level adjacent to section 108 and on the 300 Level adjacent to section 310.

Please click here to view guest service locations by level.

Hearing Assistance

Complimentary hearing assistance devices are available at the Guest Services Booth located on the 100 Level adjacent to section 108. Identification is required in order to check out the device. Identification will be returned to the patron upon return of the device following the event.

Requests for aid and service should be made at least thirty (30) business days prior to event. The ADA Facilitator may be unable to fill a request if made less than thirty (30) business days in advance of an event. The ADA Facilitator can be contacted at (504) 587-3826 or ada@asmneworleans.com.


A listing of all hotel properties convenient to the Center can be found on the New Orleans & Company website.

Lost & Found

For lost and found information during an event, patrons should visit the Guest Services Booth located on the 100 Level adjacent to section 108 and on the 300 Level adjacent to section 310. After the conclusion of an event, guests can also inquire about lost items by filling out the Lost and Found Form here.

Once a lost and found form is submitted, please allow one (1) business day for a response. Guests will only receive an email if the missing item is found.

Lost Children or Companions

If Lost Program - In an effort to decrease the possibility of separation, all parents are encouraged to sign up their children for the If Lost Program at Guest Services in Section 108 on the 100 Level. After enrolling, children will receive a wristband which is to contain the full name and phone number of the child’s parent or guardian. This information is to help assist staff in reuniting the children with their parent(s) or guardian(s). Children who become separated will be escorted to Guest Services in Section 108 on the 100 Level by a Team Member. Please proceed here to be reunited.

Media Inquiries

For media inquiries, please contact media@asmneworleans.com.

To request event credentials, please contact mediaeventcredentials@asmneworleans.com.

Nursing Mothers

Rooms for Nursing Mothers can be found at the Smoothie King Center on the suite level across from suite 255.


All items needed for Nursing Mothers are considered medical (minus a diaper bag). Medical bags do not need to be clear but will still be checked and screened upon entering.


The Superdome/Smoothie King Center/Champions Square complex has seven (7) parking garages for public parking and two (2) surface lots, which can accommodate approximately 7,000 vehicles. The public parking garages are designated #1, #1A, #2, #2A, #5, #6 and Champions Garage. The surface lots are designated as Lot 3 and Lot 4. Click here to view the location of parking facilities. 

Note that all parking facilities may not be available for every event.

Re-entry and overnight parking are prohibited. Solicitations of any type as well as unauthorized tailgating are strictly prohibited. Vehicles of any kind parked illegally or in restricted areas are subject to tagging and towing without notice. 

Bikes racks are available for use in Lot 3 on the wall closest to Champions Garage. Patrons can access the bike racks in Lot 3 from the pedestrian gates at the corner of Dave Dixon Dr. and Le Rouge Ln. 

For event day parking rates and information, please refer to the event information page for that specific eventParking garages accept credit or debit cards only.

Patron Conduct

The Smoothie King Center Management and Staff are committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable experience for all. Any conduct detrimental to the safe and proper operation of an event such as, but not limited to, abusive language, threats, assault, vandalism, theft and all other inappropriate actions will result in immediate eviction from the premises or arrest and prosecution as appropriate. Patrons are encouraged to report all such behavior to any Center team member.

The following behaviors or activities are causes for eviction from the Center: 

  • Use of profanity or unacceptable language of any type
  • Possession of illegal or unauthorized items 
  • Inappropriate or offensive attire
  • Public intoxication
  • Entering or attempting to enter any “off limit” area such as stage area, backstage, or restroom of the opposite sex
  • Fighting or instigating a physical or verbal altercation
  • Verbally abusing, threatening, or intimidating other patrons or building employees
  • Throwing objects of any type
  • Possession of stolen or counterfeit tickets
  • Possession of any unauthorized banners or signs
  • Attempted resale of tickets

Any other conduct deemed inappropriate by Venue Management will also result in eviction.

Prohibited Items

  • ​Animals (with the exception of service dogs)
  • Backpacks/knapsacks
  • Banners (large or in poor taste)
  • Bats
  • Beach balls
  • Bottles
  • Cans
  • Clubs
  • Containers
  • Contraband
  • Fireworks
  • Glass
  • Glitter
  • Helium balloons
  • iPads
  • Large/oversized bags. Maximum bag size is 14" width x 14" height x 6" depth (NOTE: This policy is subject to change depending on event tour management. Please refer to the specific event page for more information.)
  • Laser pointers
  • Mace
  • Mascot headwear of any kind
  • Noisemakers
  • Outside food and drink
  • Poles
  • Projectiles
  • Selfie sticks
  • Stickers
  • Sticks
  • Drones
  • Whistles
  • Tablets/iPads
  • Unauthorized marketing/soliciting/vending
  • Video and audio recording devices (includes GoPros, etc.)
  • Weapons
  • Any other item(s) deemed unacceptable by Venue Management 

Public Transportation

A public transportation stop is located on Poydras Street across from the Superdome at Gate A Ground Level.

Public Safety

The Smoothie King Center Public Safety Department is present during all events. For any public safety-related questions, please call (504) 587-3900. In case of an emergency, please call 911.


The Smoothie King Center has a no re-entry policy. In the event a guest needs to exit and return for any reason, the guest should be referred to the Experience Ambassador (or alternatively the Ticket Supervisor) assigned to the particular entrance, who will then approve the guest exiting and returning if the situation warrants same. Examples of such situations include medical emergencies (e.g., forgot needed medication) and permitting a service animal to exit to relieve itself.


The Center has 19 womens restrooms, 15 mens restrooms, and three family restrooms conveniently located throughout the stadium. Disabled facilities are provided at all restrooms.


The Smoothie King Center offers convenient rideshare drop-off and pick-up locations near the Stadium and Arena. The designated rideshare zone is located on Poydras Street, north of the campus, within a 5-minute walking distance. Click to view the Rideshare Map.

Pathway from the Rideshare Drop-Off

  1. Calling Your Rideshare: The rideshare zone is geo-fenced. All rideshare drop-offs must occur within this designated zone. You can only be dropped off at this location.
  2. From the Drop-Off: After being dropped off, proceed straight along Champions Square toward the arena campus.
  3. Follow Signs: Along the way, follow the clearly marked signs labeled "To the Stadium & Arena" for guidance to the Arena.

Pathway to the Rideshare Pickup

  1. From the Entrance: After the event, exit the building through the main entrances. Once outside, proceed straight along Champions Square
  2. Follow Signs: Follow the signs labeled "Rideshare Pickup" to navigate towards the designated area.
  3. Designated Pickup Area: The Pathway thru Champions Square will lead you to the rideshare pickup zone..
  4. Calling Your Rideshare: The rideshare pickup area is geo-fenced. You can only request a rideshare pickup once you arrive at the rideshare zone.

This guide, along with the attached visual, ensures guests have a clear and efficient path for arriving and departing Smoothie King Center by rideshare. The integration of signage and a well-marked pathway helps guests navigate from the rideshare drop-off zone to the venue and back again after the event.

Seating Capacities & Charts

The Smoothie King Center has flexible seating configurations with the ability to accommodate in excess of 18,000 attendees.

For event-specific charts, please click here or visit Ticketmaster.com.

Sensory Inclusion

Designated Entry Gates: Dedicated entry gates that are located around the Smoothie King Center are less crowded, noisy, and can be used by guests with sensory issues


Sensory Bags: Guests may checkout Sensory Bags at no cost to utilize fidget toys, weighted lap pads, noise-cancelling headphones, and other resources during events. Sensory Bags are available at Guest Services booth located at Section 108.


Exit/Re-Entry: For guests with sensory sensitivities that need a break, a breath of fresh air can make all the difference. The Smoothie King Center guest services and security staffs will provide entry/re-entry at all major arena exits, allowing guests with sensory issues to step outside the arena and then re-enter, if needed.


Designated Quiet Rooms: These rooms will provide a quiet and relaxing space for people with sensory issues. If a patron needs to use a Quiet Room, the room is located across from suite 255.


Sensory inclusive services at the Smoothie King Center can be provided at any time during any event by visiting the nearest Guest Services Booth or by contacting any nearby guest services representative.

Smoking Policy

The Smoothie King Center is a completely non-smoking facility. All guests are prohibited from smoking (including electronic cigarettes, vaporizers or similar products) inside of the stadium and outside of the arena within the security perimeter at any time.


The distribution of promotional items, flyers, pamphlets, printed materials, as well as the solicitation of signatures and autographs, is not permitted on Center property without prior, written authorization from Venue Management.


Strollers are prohibited during New Orleans Pelicans Games, but allowed at all other events.

For non-pelicans games, patrons may check in strollers at the Guest Services Booth located at the 100 Level adjacent to section 108.

Please click here to view the location of Guest Services Desks by level.

Patrons may keep strollers with them in the seating areas as long as it does not impede walkways or sightlines of other patrons.


The Smoothie King Center has 56 suites, plus the Hub Club. For suite availability, please call the New Orleans Pelicans at (504) 525-HOOP (4667).

For specific events, a limited number of suites may be available for rental on a one-time basis. Click to explore our suites & premium seating options.


Tailgating is not allowed on Center property or parking facilities.

Team Store

The Official Team Store of the New Orleans Pelicans is located inside the Smoothie King Center with an entrance off of Dave Dixon Drive. The Pelicans Team Store sells official Pelicans merchandise, including the same Nike gear worn by the Pelicans players.

Store hours are as follows:

  • Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. (on non-game days)
  • Closed Saturday and Sunday (on non-game days)
  • There is limited parking in front of the team store on Dave Dixon Drive on non-event days.

On game days, the Pelicans Team Store will be closed to the general public, and will open to ticketed fans at Game Day Door Time (one hour prior to tip off). Fans can also purchase merchandise online at The Pelicans Team Store official online site at www.pelicansteamstore.com.


Text Message System

ASM offers a text messaging system that allows patrons to submit issues/concerns via text message. If a patron inside the facility wants to report an issue/concern during an event, they send a text message to short code 69050 using the keyword NOLA followed by a space and their issue and location. Building personnel will monitor messages received and respond accordingly. This service varies on an event-by event basis.

Questions or need further help in regards to this text program? Send your email to CustomerCare@ISS247.com or call toll-free 1-877-410-7081.
Participation in our service is free of charge but standard carrier text messaging & data charges will apply.

Text STOP, END, QUIT, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, or STOPALL to 69050 to be removed from any list and end subscription to the service.


To purchase tickes on event days, please refer to the event information page for that specific event for Will Call hours.

Tickets can also be purchased at www.ticketmaster.com, all Ticketmaster Outlets, or charge by phone at 1-800-745-3000.

Ticket Issues

For ticket-related problems prior to entering the Center, patrons should proceed directly to the nearest open ticket window location. 

For ticket-related problems encountered inside of the Center, patrons should visit the Guest Services Desk located Section 108.

Click here to view the locations of Guest Services Desks by level.

Ticket Reselling

The resale or attempted reselling of tickets on Superdome/Smoothie King Center/Champions Square property is prohibited by law. Violators will be removed from the premises and subject to arrest and prosecution as appropriate.

Stolen Tickets

Stolen tickets should be reported to law enforcement authorities. Upon the production of a theft report and an initial purchase receipt, the Smoothie King Center Box Office will make reasonable accommodations for replacement tickets.

Duplicate Tickets

Patrons with illegally duplicated tickets will not be allowed entry into the Smoothie King Center.

Ticket Refunds

Refunds and exchanges are not allowed unless there was a change to the date or time of the show. All refunds are done at the point of purchase location.


Venue Management does not offer tours.

Venue Management

The Smoothie King Center is managed by ASM Global, the world leader in private management for public facilities. For more information about ASM Global, click here

Video Cameras



The Center has a limited supply of wheelchairs available on a first-come, first-served basis. A government issued identification is required to check out a wheelchair. Wheelchairs may be checked out at the Guest Services Booth located on the 100 Level adjacent to section 108.

The Center does provide escort personnel for patrons using wheelchairs. Electronic wheelchair recharging is available for units with duplex outlet plugs.

The ADA Facilitator can be contacted at (504) 587-3826 or ada@asmneworleans.com.

Will Call

Will Call is located at the Smoothie King Center Box Office. A photo ID of the person who placed the order is required to receive the ticket.

For Will Call hours on event day, please refer to the event information page for that specific event.

Our Venues